What a proud day, her first day of hunting with her father....I even have a picture! I had the perfect spot, a couple of well used deer trails crossing in front of two chair size tree stumps, a little one for Sheena, and a big one right next to it for me. That way we could sit there and enjoy the experience together.
Well, we got out to the woods and actually sat there quietly together for what Sheena felt was an eternity (you know, maybe 10 to 15 minutes) when suddenly she whispered...."Dad, is it time to eat yet?" (before we went out we had the discussion about talking quietly in the woods). "Not yet Sheena" I responded. But, a couple minutes later, a little more insistingly... "Dad, is it time to eat yet?" You see, little did I realize, it wasn't so much the hunting she was interested in, as it was the chance to enjoy a lunch full of the "forbidden" food; you know, pop, chips, and candy bars. Well, I continued to tell her "not yet', but after she asked another hundred times or so, I decided maybe we should eat so we could finally quiet down and see some deer. And sure enough, it wasn't long and I heard a deer coming down the trail. I thought, wow, this is great! Sheena will get to see a deer and will begin to understand the thrill of the hunt and the concept of being quiet....when all of the sudden she says, "DAD, I hear something." I put my finger up to my mouth to quiet her down, but she just pipes right up and says, "NO, DAD I think a deers coming!" Well....needless to say, we didn't end up seeing anything that day, but we did have a fantastic time together and an awesome lunch.
It's strange how we try to influence and encourage our children, family, and others around us to get them interested in something we are excited about. We don't want them to miss out on it. Our enthusiasm and passion are unmistakable and even contagious, because it's just one of those things you can't seem to get enough of, or live without. It is a priority in our lives and we want them to share that priority with us. And you just can't understand it when others don't share that same passion.
Have you thought about it? Is that how you share your passion for God? We are instructed in how to teach our children and others as we journey through life.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NIV) says "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
I started out thinking that I was going to teach Sheena as a hunter, to seek out and go after the trophy, but after failing to even see a deer the first time out, I thought maybe I had failed. But, now I realize, over the years, my wife, Janet and I have taught her to see the trophies in life and to seek the genuine trophy of life. Not only does she see and appreciate the awesome gifts from God in all things He has created; the beautiful sunrise and sunset, the simple beauty in the sculpture of the trees even without their leaves seeing the magnificent design of grace, the wonder and awesomeness of all that He has created. But, most importantly, she recognized, sought and has accepted the ultimate trophy....the promise of the crown of salvation which is only possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of her life.
Yes, our relationship with God should be the #1 passion in our lives. Is it evident in your daily life? What passion do you share with your children and others around you? Think about how you can share your passion adn enthusiasm for God with others in a loving and sincere way. As you think about this, I would like you to consider...
As you stand at His gate,
are there trophies you'll take?
The ones on the wall,
will have no meaning at all.
Was your focus off base,
is it the wind that you chased?
By then you'll be sure,
What it is that was pure.
In the life that you led,
where there one's that you fed?
Did you help open the door,
for them to see Him more?
You'll praise God and sing,
for the ones you helped bring,
and the souls that will cling,
to a life in search of the King.
That's one of my favorite pictures of Sheena! I love this story! Kevin, I also loved the story about the humming bird and the cardinal and how you correlated those experiences with the warmth of our Father's hands. God has truly given you a gift of sharing His love. Thank you, brother!
ReplyDeleteLove you all,